The following Science Workshops are planned within the EU ITN IsoNose project:
ERs and ESRs, PIs, Associated Partners, and invited international experts will participate in a international Science workshop discussing the aims of research and training within IsoNose. What do metal stable isotopes tell us in weathering, soil formation, ecosystem cycles, ore formation, global biogeochemical fluxes, and environmental surveying? Interspersed in these discussion days are field visits, in which the complexities of the weathering system will be discussed on-site. We expect this workshop to lead to the development of strong research synergies that will continue through the following years.
A series of advanced lectures will be given by outstanding isotope geochemists (from IsoNose, SoilTrEC, and the US Critical Zone project). The fractionation mechanisms of stable isotopes will be the main focus with examples taken from the novel isotope techniques (mass-dependent fractionation, kinetic vs. equilibrium isotope fractionation, isotopic fractionation factors by spectroscopy, laser techniques). The different lectures will be applied to a particular field but kept general. One day of the workshop will be devoted to presentations by researchers of the network.
The 3-day course introduces the applications of thermodynamics and kinetics to model geochemical process in aquatic geochemistry using PHREEQC. PHREEQC is a computer program for simulating chemical reactions and transport processes in natural or polluted water. Two thirds of the course is devoted to computer excercises and one third to lectures.
Skills required to run an ICP-based isotope lab will be presented. Sample preparation; ionisation techniques; ion optics; resolving isobaric interferences; detection systems; correcting for mass discrimination; isotope dilution, new developments (laser ablation, online purification). Opportunity for practical hands-on experience on a multi-collector ICP-MS will be offered.
Three days of lectures, devoted to geochemical metal exploration techniques, will be given by international expert lecturers, covering the state-of-the-art of this rapidly growing field. Topics covered will include sampling techniques, analysis of complex datasets, commercial aspects of exploration, novel isotope methods in exploration. A one-day fieldtrip to Boliden's giant Navan Deposit (Tara Mines) will be organised. Delegates will be introduced to the practicalities of representative sampling both at surface and underground.
This workshops gives our Fellows the opportunity t5o broaden their network and discuss ICP applications. Experts will report on the newest developments in ICP concentration and speciation analyses.
Lectures, talks and long discussions about:
Part 1: As some Earth Science graduates may find employment in instrument marketing and development, this course will prepare ESRs and ERs for the “practical aspects” of corporate life (marketing, sales product development, etc.). Part 2: A one-day factory visit will take place at the mass spectrometer production site of TFS Bremen.
This 3-days workshop will publicise the main scientific achievements of IsoNose. The workshop will be organised jointly with partner networks of the Critical Zone Project. ESRs and ERs will present their work in a series of short oral presentations.